Turin Horse (2011), Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) - classic movies worth your time. 4/5
Montaigne by Stefan Zweig: short, to the point and distilled biography by a master. 4.5/5
Everything Is Out Of Water - should a philosopher have sayings? Beautifully constructed meandering essay.
What you are looking for is in the library by Michiko Aoyama. Motivational but with a tinge of cliche, naivitte and similar storylines across 5 stories. 3/5
How to Win an Information War - The Propagandist Who Outwitted Hitler, (AB). More about the subject of the subtitle than the main title but you can gleen some nuggets of wisdom about the latter as well. Well written biography of a fascinating subject, WWII propagandist Thomas Sefton Delmer. Gives you pause, 4/5.
Writers adrift - Essays by foreign bornwriters in Iceland, Something about this collection of essays tugs at you. Alien yet personal and always touching. 4/5
Speaking In Tongues: A Letter To 3rd World Women Writers by Gloria E. AnzaldĂșa (PDF). Powerful.
A poem works for me not when it says what I want it to say and not when it evokes what I want it to. It works when the subject I started out with metamorphoses alchemically into a different one, one that has been discovered, or uncovered, by the poem. It works when it surprises me, when it says something 1 have repressed or pretended not to know.
— Gloria E. AnzaldĂșa.